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Women’s Land Service Corps.jpg Women’s Land Service Corps poster. Image courtesy https://johnjohnsoncollectionno

Women’s Land Service Corps poster. Image courtesy https://johnjohnsoncollectionno

  • The Women’s National Land Service Corps is formed in England by Mrs Roland Wilkins, OBE. The Corps aim is to entice urban women into the countryside to help fill the gaps left by men in the rural economy. The Corps later developed into the Women’s Land Army. The following letter appeared in The Spectator, 9 June 1916, p. 15:

Sir, We are threatened in the near future with a very serious milk famine, as well as a diminution of production in our home-grown food. The men are being taken from the land in great numbers, and the only available labour on any large scale is that of women. The Women’s National Land Service Corps asks all young, strong, educated women, who can give their whole time, to come and take a short training for work on the land. We want all we can get between eighteen and thirty-five, but we most particularly want those who are over twenty-five and have had some little experience in leading other women. We offer a short training at 16s. a week, including maintenance, to those who can afford it, and free training to those who cannot. We also want for six weeks, from the middle of June, untrained workers for fruit picking, hay-making, &c. Will all those who can, take their holiday then, and so help to save the home-grown food supply of the country? For further particulars apply to the Secretary, Headquarters of the W.N.L.S. Corps, 50 Upper Baker Street, London, N.W.

  • The Germans, with fresh artillery supplies, renew their offensive in the Battle of Verdun with a bombardment every bit as intense as the one of 21 February. They attack along the west bank of the Meuse River during a severe snowstorm, beginning the Battle of the Flanks.
  • Russian troops continue to advance along the coast of the Black Sea in Turkey, landing west of Rize
  • Bombing continues at El-Hassana in Sinai
  • Newton D Baker is appointed United States Secretary for War
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