HMAS Sydney‘s fight with a Zeppelin in the North Sea, 4 May 1917, Charles Bryant. Image courtesy Australian War Memorial.
- Harry Joseph Press is killed in action in the Second Battle of Bullecourt
- Cornelius Joseph Murphy is killed in action in the Second Battle of Bullecourt
- German naval zeppelin L-43 attacks a patrol led by HMAS Sydney in the North Sea south east of Rosyth, Scotland. The Sydney opens fire; the engagement continues for two hours, by which time Sydney expends all her anti-aircraft ammunition and L-43 all her bombs.
- The First United States destroyer flotilla arrives at Queenstown (now Cobh) in Cork, Ireland
- French forces on the Western Front retake Craonne on the Chemin des Dames ridge
- The Leader publishes The Soldiers’ Commandments
I. When on guard thou shalt challenge all parties approaching thee.
II. Thou shalt not send any engravings, nor any likeness of any air ship in the heavens above, any post card of the earth beneath, nor any drawing of any submarine under the sea; for I am the censor, and am a jealous censor, visiting the iniquities of any offenders, with three months CB* but showing mercy unto thousands by letting their letters go free who keep my commandments.
III. Thou shalt not use profane language; unless under extraordinary circumstances, such as seeing your comrade shot, or finding petrol in your tea.
IV. Remember the soldiers’ week consists of seven days – six days thou shalt labor and do all thy work, and on the seventh day do all odd jobs.
V. Honor thy King and thy country; keep thy rifle oiled, and shoot straight, in order that thy days may be long upon the land which the enemy hath given thee.
VI. Thou shalt not steal thy neighbour’s kit.
VII. Thou shalt not kill time.
VIII. Thou shalt not adulterate thy mess tin by using it as a shaving mug.
IX. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy comrade, but preserve discreet silence on his outgoings and incomings.
X. Thou shalt not covet thy sergeant’s post, nor the corporal’s, nor the staff major’s, but by duty and by dint of perseverance rise to the high position – yea, of a field marshal.
* CB – Confined to Barracks