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  • Germany invades Belgium
  • Great Britain declares war on the German Empire and its allies
  • Australia pledges a force of 20,000 to be put at Britain’s disposal, as well as the vessels of the Royal Australian Navy
  • US President Woodrow Wilson declares United States policy of neutrality
  • Germany starts to besiege the fortress of Liège in Belgium, which it finally captures on 16 August

Belgian troops defending a Herstal suburb, just north-east of Liège.

Belgian troops defending a Herstal suburb, just north-east of Liège
Image courtesy Wikipedia

“Liége – 1914 – Soldats d’infanterie prenant part à la défense de Liège dans les faubourgs d’Heistal” by Le Miroir – le Miroir numéro 38 page 11. Licensed under Public domain via Wikimedia Commons –