A Turkish prisoner of war, wounded in the unsuccessful attack on the Suez Canal is removed from a hospital train by Australian medical orderlies at Cairo.
Image courtesy Australian War Memorial.
- Turkish troops launch an unsuccessful attack against the British-controlled Suez Canal, which is vital to Allied shipping. The 3rd Field Company Australian Engineers form part of the garrison of the Canal defences; the 7th and 8th Battalions are sent in as reinforcements, but arrive too late to participate in the action. 130 Allied troops are wounded and 32 killed; the Turks suffer between 1,500 and 2,000 casualties with 716 taken prisoner.
- The Leader publishes a letter from Jack Earls written from camp in Mena on Christmas Day 1914. Jack describes his visit to the pyramids and his experience of coming face to face with the “now moustached countenance” of Dr Neville Howse.