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29 September 1917

By September 29, 2017No Comments

Two Soldiers by Anonymous of Bogan Gate

Two soldiers were leaving the land we love
To cross the sea and fight;
With the good old flag unfurled above
For the cause they knew was right.
And we met in the village hall to say,
A cheering word, as they marched away.

They were manly men, both brave and true,
Resolved their part to play;
No eye could see between the two,
Where any difference lay.
Yet they mourned the loss of only one,
What did he more than the other had done?

Both have fallen in honor’s cause,
They both have suffered the same;
In the forward; change with never a pause
Defending Australia’s name.
And they closed the shutters for only one,
But we won’t forget what both have done,

I have drawn my bow for a random shot,
If the shaft goes swift and straight,
And someone is hurt, it matters not,
In the district of Bogan Gate.
For every soldier who marched away,
Deserves the best you can do or say.

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