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22 July 1915

By July 22, 2015November 20th, 2018No Comments
  • Frederick Conroy enlists. Frederick is commemorated on the Centenary of WWI in Orange Honour Roll; he would die of wounds in France on 3 February 1917
  • Over 300 men enlisted at Victoria Barracks; country recruiting depots are to commence their work tomorrow. Sydney Recruiting
  • A recruiting meeting is held at the Orange Town Hall; all young men willing to recruit are earnestly requested to attend
  • The Leader reports that many eligible young men express indifference when asked why they have not yet enlisted. Recruiting
  • In the lead up to Australia Day on 30 July the Leader publishes the poem The Call:

What will you give on Australia Day
To wounded kith and kin,
Who kept the treacherous Turk at bay,
And forced his front gate in?

Give thought unto the gallant band
Who, ‘midst tho bursting shells,
Upheld the honor of our land
Beside the Dardanelles.

And those who fought and bled and died,
They gave their lives that we
May still in peaceful homes abide
Along the restless sea.

Give-that your name be always fair,
For it is just and right
That we who stay behind should share
Some burden of the fight.

No barbarous horde has wrecked our land,
Red drought has held his breath;
Give, therefore, with an open hand
To those who diced with death.

It is not charity they crave,
But payment of a debt;
Our tribute to the wounded brave,
Whom we must not forget.

Where age has barred the outer gate,
And home ties firmly bind;
The watch is long whereon we wait,
The road is long and blind.

But we who stand by age debarred
May still fight in the van,
If no selfish thoughts our giving marred,
But gave as gives a man.

The young man with the sluggish blood
Pulsed from a feeble heart,
Deaf to the call of brotherhood,
May play the smaller part.

Give to the brave who did not shirk
The crisis when it came,
But fought and matched the Hun-led Turk
And played the national game.

The call has come, and spurred afar,
From Sydney town to Perth;
Pull down the Crescent and the Star,
Be true to blood and birth.

Oh boot and saddle heroes all,
Your country’s strength and pride.
Our god has blown the bugle call
And honors those who died.

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