German airship bombing Calais on the night of 21–22 February 1915. Bundesarchiv Bild 146-2008-0051, Frankreich, Bombardierung Calais. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 de via Wikimedia Commons.
- A German Zeppelin drops bombs over Calais, killing five civilians
- German aircraft release some 1,500 shells over Reims, killing twenty civilians. The vault of the Cathedral is severely damaged.
- German troops seize the Polish town of Przasnysz taking 10,000 Russian prisoners
- The Second Battle of the Masurian Lakes ends in East Prussia. Fighting between the German 8th and 10th Armies and the Russian 10th Army began on 7 February. The Germans push the Russians eastward into the Augustow Forest where they are decimated.