Three members of the Mesopotamian Expeditionary Force inspect the remains of Turkish trenches at Shumran Bend during the advance on Baghdad, February 1917. Note the home made white flag flying on the shovel in the background. Image courtesy Australian War Memorial.
- Orange born Harry Murphy, a station manager at Cumnock, dies of wounds in France
- Australian Prime Minister William (Billy) Hughes forms the Nationalist Party of Australia, a merger between the conservative Commonwealth Liberal Party and the National Labor Party. The party holds government until 1929.
- Australian pilot Sub Lieutenant Roderic Stanley Dallas, serving with the Royal Naval Air Service, shoots down a German Aviatik aircraft over France
- British troops in Mesopotamia continue their progress along the south bank of the Tigris River. Sir Frederick Stanley Maude crosses the Shumran bend to the right of Turkish forces and launches an attack on both flanks.
- British troops on the Ancre capture German positions and penetrate enemy lines to the north and south, capturing 773 prisoners