- Orange councillor Ald George Treweeke takes out a £200 insurance policy for a young father leaving for overseas service. The Leader urges:
It is earnestly requested that the citizens of all centres make an early and liberal response to the appeal
- Residents of Lucknow raise £20 for the Red Cross war effort. Lucknow’s Italy Day
- Private Leslie Charles Lemon expresses his gratitude to the organisers of the Orange Soldiers’ Christmas Comforts Fund. Gifts For Boys At The Front
You cannot imagine how great we fellows over here think of our dear womenfolk at home and for all they are doing for us, and is it any wonder we fight with a light heart. The articles in the parcel were all in an excellent condition, and to say I enjoyed them heartily, would be putting it in a very mild way. Everything was ripping…
… Please give my love to dear old Australia and although I haven’t seen it for nearly four years I still love it just the same. Please accept my kindest regards and all good wishes—all you dears and we’ll fight on for ages for you.